We are shaping the future of communications.

Who we are

The Impact Communications Institute (ICI) is a registered nonprofit on a mission to use the tools of communications to drive progressive systemic change. Our global network of over 1,200 communicators are committed to purpose-led practices.

The ICI’s members are agency associates, consultants, students, brand managers and corporate representatives who have taken the ICI pledge for responsible and ethical communications.

Our strategic framework is used by ICI members to communicate impact, amplify outcomes, enhance reach and resonance and inspire change.

As a global collective, we’re exploring innovative ways to measure impact, creating new industry standards and realizing a future where all communicators use storytelling for good.

What we do

SET GUIDING PRINCIPLES for purpose-led communications practices that drive social and environmental change.

SUPPORT LEARNING + INNOVATION through research, reports, events, toolkits and resources.

UNITE + SCALE IMPACT through collective action, professional development and community building.